exciting is a full-potential all-electron density-functional-theory package implementing linearized augmented planewave methods. It can be applied to all kinds of materials, irrespective of the atomic species involved and allows for exploring the physics of core electrons. As the name tells, exciting has a particular focus on excitations.
Following our exciting neon release, we are already working hard on upcoming features. Here are some examples:
- Adaptively-compressed exchange
- Iterative eigensolver
- Low-scaling GW
Follow our numerous step-by-step tutorials which guide you through basic, as well as advanced features of exciting.
We are happy to present exciting neon, the newest main release of the exciting code. New features comprise fast BSE, molecular dynamics combined with real-time TDDFT, and more.
Have a look at the Psi-k highlight of the month about the cluster expansion package CELL, by Santiago Rigamonti and other team members.