a full-potential all-electron package implementing linearized augmented planewave methods

XCrySDen Setup for exciting

In order to allow XCrySDen for displaying exciting input.xml files, you need to perform the operations displayed in the following.

Step 1

Check if XCrySDen is installed on your workstation and if it has been initialized. The latter check can be easily done by typing on your shell window (here, the symbol $ indicates the shell prompt):

ls $HOME/.xcrysden

If the directory $HOME/.xcrysden is not present , you should initialize XCrySDen by typing


and answer to the question appearing on the screen.

Step 2

Append the following lines to the file $HOME/.xcrysden/custom-definitions:

addOption --exciting  $env(EXCITINGTOOLS)/ex2xsf {
  load structure from exciting input.xml format

After this modification, you should be able to open an exciting input.xml file directly from the command line executing:

xcrysden --exciting input.xml &